Cabbage increase production and skillful application of potash

The effect of increasing production is obvious. The test results showed that under the same conditions of nitrogen and phosphorus Fertilizer, the application of potassium fertilizer (50% potassium Sulfate ) in Chinese cabbage was 18 kg/mu, the yield increased by 33.2%, and the average yield of cabbage was 159 kg per kg of potassium sulfate.

Enhance disease resistance. Potassium fertilizer can significantly improve the disease resistance of cabbage and reduce the incidence of disease. According to statistics, the incidence of potassium-based Chinese cabbage disease is only 1.9%, the incidence rate of control area is 11.4%, and the incidence rate is reduced by 9.5%.

Increase the rate of goods. The Chinese cabbage with potash fertilizer is tight and the virtual leaves are small. The cabbage in the control area is not tight, and the difference is obvious. In the winter storage, there are generally 3 pieces of tightly packed green leaves as the standard commercial dish. The rate of cabbage with potassium fertilizer is 88.5%~91.2%, and that of the control area is 80%~83.1%. The application of potassium fertilizer improves the commodity of cabbage. Rate, which increases economic efficiency.

Potassium application method: The production of Chinese cabbage is more than 10,000 kilograms, 300 to 500 kilograms of refined organic fertilizer, 300 kilograms of dried chicken manure, 3 squares of grass manure, and then Compound Fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content is 35). More than %), such as the use of Saco-fused potassium sulfate compound fertilizer for 30 to 40 kg; the above two fertilizers can be applied alone. Nitrogen fertilizer (46% urea 15 kg), Phosphate Fertilizer (14% superphosphate 30 kg), potassium fertilizer (50% potassium sulfate 12 kg) can be compounded into compound fertilizer without using compound fertilizer. It is best to use a ditch to concentrate the application, use the soil ditch to ridge, and scatter the cabbage seeds on the ridge.

Topdressing: The amount of fertilizer required for cabbage during the ball-forming period accounts for more than 60% of the total fertilizer requirement during the whole growth period. In this period, in addition to the application of nitrogen fertilizer (20~25 kg of urea), another potassium sulfate 5~7 kg. Apply ditch between the ridges and cover the soil with water.

Foliar application: 0.2% potassium dihydrogen Phosphate can be sprayed from the rosette to the balling stage, sprayed once every 7~10 days, sprayed 3 times, sprayed in the morning, evening or cloudy all day Shi.
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