Bringing spring into my home netizens 40,000 yuan to create a pastoral style sunshine beauty house

Netizen's reflection: The house is a two-bedroom old house. The decoration is a style more than ten years ago. The walls of many places have been mottled, so the decoration is imminent. I didn't know much about the decoration, but I still listened to my friends talking about some tricks in the decoration, so I was still quite worried about choosing an unscrupulous decoration company. Before choosing a decoration company, we also went to several friends to introduce the company, but after several comparisons, finally chose Lei Yang. Knowing that Leiyang was also on the mission, netizens were quite appraised about this company. They looked at several decorated showrooms and felt really good. The reception of our designer Xiao Lu was very good and the people were very sincere. The design plans given to us were also more appetizing.

[Unit type] Two rooms and one hall

【Building area】 45 flat

[Use area] 36 flat

[Decoration budget] 4.26W (for decoration company)

【Management method】 Half package

【Style】 Modern minimalism

[Renovation company] Leiyang decoration

[Designer] Little Lu Design

[Start date] 2009-11-25

Hit the wall at the scene.

Began to open the trunking, discharge line box, the speed is really not slow.

Brand shop: Baidie plumbing pipe

Renovation Diaries Lighting Brands Top Ten Brands Window Decoration Design Style Decoration Paint Wooden Doors Kitchen Decorating Model House Modern Minimalistic Style Decoration Finding Decoration Company Okay Two Bedroom and One Bedroom Decoration Model House Modern Decoration Model House Model House Decoration Style Continental Model House Continental Decoration Model House House Decorating Model House Decorating Model House Decoration Style Toilet Decoration Model House Glass Brick Cabinet Door Glass Sliding Door Kitchen Integrated Ceiling Kitchen Wall Tile Door Kitchen Cabinet Door Glass Door Kitchen Glass Sliding Door European Style Bathroom Bathroom Tile Bathroom Door Bathroom Wall Tile Bathroom Ceiling Bathroom Design Toilet Sliding door bedroom kitchen tile bedroom lamp

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